Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis, Molecular Detection, PCR, Varies
Bordetella pertussis and parapertussis; Parapertussis; PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction); Pertussis; Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR); Whooping Cough; Bordetella parapertussis by PCR; Bordetella parapertussis by Rapid PCR; Bordetella pertussis Detection by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Test ID
Performing Lab
General Information
Useful for detection of Bordetella pertussis or Bordetella parapertussis
Container Type
Rayon swab with an aluminum shaft placed in transport medium such as a green-top nasopharyngeal swab (rayon mini-tip) with Stuart's media (no charcoal) (T515)
Stuart's with charcoal
Amies with or without charcoal (Transwab Nasopharyngeal with Charcoal System).
Sterile container with a screw top cap (no transport media)
Tilt patient's head back slightly to straighten nasal passage
Insert swab straight back horizontally to the nasopharynx until resistance is met
Rotate swab up to 5 times and hold in place 5-10 seconds to collect sample
Place swab into the transport medium and cap tightly
Label with patient name and one other unique identifier
Refrigerate specimen until ready for transport to the lab.
Minimum Sample Volume
0.5 mL
Additional Processing Details
The high sensitivity of amplification by PCR requires the specimen to be processed in an environment in which contamination of the specimen by Bordetella pertussis or Bordetella parapertussis DNA is unlikely.
Required Information
Specimen source is required
Refrigerated (preferred): 7 days
Ambient: 7 days
Frozen: 7 days
Unacceptable Specimen Conditions
Other nose, nasal, or throat swab
calcium alginate or cottontipped swab
swab sent in gel transport medium, viral/universal transport medium, or Regan Lowe media
swabs with solid plastic shaft
dry swab
Cross-reactivity with Bordetella holmesii may occur with the B pertussis PCR assay. The prevalence of B holmesii is relatively low, with positivity in <1% of nasopharyngeal swabs.(2) Please note that B holmesii has been associated with pertussis-like symptoms (2)
Cross-reactivity of the B pertussis assay has been demonstrated with a limited number of Bordetella bronchiseptica isolates. The prevalence of the insertion sequence target, IS481, has been reported to be between 1% and 5% in B bronchiseptica isolates
This assay is not recommended for screening asymptomatic individuals who may carry B pertussis or parapertussis
This assay is not recommended for follow up of patients previously diagnosed with pertussis (ie, as a test of cure)
Some B pertussis acellular vaccines (ie, Pentacel, Daptacel, Adacel) contain PCR detectable DNA. Contamination of specimens with vaccine can cause false-positive B pertussis PCR results. Specimens should not be collected or processed in areas that are exposed to B pertussis vaccine material