Bacterial Vaginosis Panel (
incyte swab, vaginal pathogens
) -
Bahia Grass, IgE, Serum (
Paspalum notatum
) -
Baker's Yeast, IgE (
Baker's Yeast, IgE
) -
Lymphocyte subsets on BAL; CD4:CD8 ratio on BAL
) -
Banana, IgE, Serum (
Musa spp; Plantain
) -
Barley, IgE (
Barleycorn; Hordeum vulgare
) -
Bartonella Antibody Panel, IgG and IgM, Serum (
Bartonella henselae Abs, IgG/IgM; Bartonella quintana, IgG/IgM; Bartonellosis; Cat Scratch Disease; BART
) -
Basic Metabolic Panel (
) -
BCL-2 (
b cell lymphoma-2
) - BCL-6
BCR/ABL/ASS1 t(9;22), CML (
CML, ALL, MPN, Philadelphia chromosome, Philadelphia translocation
) -
Beef IgE (
Bos spp
) -
Bence Jones Quantitative, Urine (
) - Ber-Ep4
- Bermuda Grass IgE
Beta Catenin (
) -
Beta-CrossLaps, Serum (
B-CTx, Beta CrossLaps, Beta-CTx, C-Telopeptide, C-terminal collagen crosslinks, Carboxy terminal collagen crosslinks, CTx
) -
BG8 (
Lewisy (F3)
) - Bielschowsky Stain
Bile Acids, Total, Serum (
Bile Acids, Total; Bile Salts, Total
) -
Bile duct (
) - Bilirubin, Direct (DBILI, Direct Bilirubin, Conjugated Bilirubin)
- Bilirubin, Fractionated (Bilirubin, Total, Conjugated, and Unconjugated)
- Bilirubin, Neonate (Neonatal Bilirubin)
Bilirubin, Total (
TBILI, Total Bilirubin,
) - Birch IgE
Black/White Pepper, IgE, Serum (
Black Pepper; Pepper; Piper nigrum; White Pepper
) -
Bladder Washing (
Urinary, Cystoscopy, Instrumented Urine, Catheterized Urine
) -
Blueberry, IgE, Serum (
Blueberry, fruit; Fruit, blueberry; Highbush Blueberry; Lowbush Blueberry; Vaccinium myrtillis
) - BOB1
Bone Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum (
Alkaline Phosphatase, Bone; BAP, Phosphatase, Skeletal Alkaline Phosphatase
) -
Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis, Molecular Detection, PCR, Varies (
Bordetella pertussis and parapertussis; Parapertussis; PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction); Pertussis; Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR); Whooping Cough; Bordetella parapertussis by PCR; Bordetella parapertussis by Rapid PCR; Bordetella pertussis Detection by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
) -
BRAF Mutation Analysis (
) -
Brazil Nut, IgE, Serum (
Bertholletia excelsa; Cream Nut; Para-nut
) -
Breast Carcinoma-Associated Antigen, Serum (
Biomira Truquant BR|Breast Cancer Tumor Markers|Breast Carcinoma|Cancer Antigen 27.29 (CA 27.29)|MAM 6|Milk Mucin|CA2729
) -
Breast cyst, aspiration (
) -
Breast Specimens for Histological Analysis (
Breast Core Needle Biopsy, Breast Biopsy, Lumpectomy Specimen, Partial Mastectomy, Mastectomy
) -
Breast, nipple discharge (
) -
Breast, solid lesion (
Mammary, FNA, Fine Needle Aspiration, Aspirate
) -
Broccoli, IgE, Serum (
Brassica oleracea var. italica; Calabrese; Purple Cauliflower; Romanesco; Spear Cauliflower; Winter Cauliflower
) -
Bronchial Brushing (
Bronchial, bronchus
) -
Bronchial Wash Differential (
Bronch Wash, Bronchial Wash, BW
) -
Bronchial Washing (
Bronchial, mucoid, bronchus
) -
Bronchoalveolar Lavage (
BAL, lung fluid, Bronchial Wash
) -
Bronchoalveolar Lavage Differential (
Bronchoalveolar lavage, BAL, lavage
) -
Bronchoalveolar Lavage for Hemosiderin-Laden Macrophages (
BAL, lung fluid
) -
Bronchoalveolar Lavage for Lipid-Laden Macrophages (
BAL, lung fluid, lipid pneumonia, Oil Red O
) -
Bronchoalveolar Lavage for Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis (
BAL, PAS-D Stain, lung fluid
) -
Buckwheat, IgE, Serum (
Beech Wheat; Canadian Buckwheat; Fagopyrum; Fagopyrum esculentum; French Wheat
) -
Bullous Pemphigoid, BP180 and BP230, IgG Antibodies, Serum (
BP180, BP230, Bullous Pemphigoid
) - BUN (BUN, Urea, Urea Nitrogen)