Lactate Dehydrogenase (
) -
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), Body Fluid (
) -
Lactic Acid (
Lactic Acid
) -
Lamb, IgE, Serum (
Mutton (Ovis Spp.)
) -
Lambda ISH (
Lambda by in situ hybridization
) - Lambda light chains
Lamotrigine (
Lamictal, UOW1115
) -
Large B-Cell Lymphoma (LBCL); High Grade B-Cell Lymphoma (
LBCL, High grade B-cell lymphoma, double hit lymphoma, triple hit lymphoma, Burkitts lymphoma, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)
) -
Larynx (
Throat, voice box, vocal cords
) - LDL-Cholesterol, Measured (Low density lipoprotein, Direct LDL, LDLC, LDLC Direct)
Lead (
) - LEF1
Legionella Antigen, Urine (
Legionella pneumophila; Legionellosis; Legionnaires' Disease
) -
Legionella Culture, Varies (
) -
Lemon, IgE, Serum (
Citrus Limon
) -
Lettuce, IgE (
Lactuca Sativa
) -
Leu M1 (
) -
Levetiracetam (Keppra) (
) -
LH IHC Stain (
Luteinizing hormone
) -
Lime, IgE, Serum (
Citrus aurantifolia; Green Lemon; Sour Lemon
) - Lipase
Lipase, Body Fluid (
Lipase, BF
) -
Lipid Panel with Direct LDL Reflex (
) -
Lipid Pneumonia (
Bronchoalveolar Lavage for Lipid-Laden Macrophages, BAL, Oil Red O
) -
Lipoprotein (a), Serum (
Lipoprotein (a), S; Lipoprotein a; Lp(a) apoprotein; LP "little-A"
) -
Lithium (Eskalith®
Lithobid®) -
Liver, cyst (
Hepatic cyst(s), FNA
) - LMO2
Lobster, IgE, Serum (
American Lobster; European Lobster; Homarus americanus; Homarus gammarus
) -
Lung Cytology, Sputum (
Sputum, lung cytology
) -
Lung, cyst (
Pulmonary cyst, FNA
) -
Lupus Anticoagulant with Interpretation (
Dilute Russell Venom time, DRVVT, LAC, LUPINH, Lupus Inhibitor, UOW5250, Hexagonal Phospholipid Neutralization, HEXLA, HEXPL
) - Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Pediatrics, Serum (
Third Generation LH assay; Ultrasensitive LH assay; Lutropin
) -
Luxol Fast Blue (
) -
Lyme Disease Serology, Serum (
Lyme C6 Peptide Assay; Borrelia burgdorferi; B. burgdorferi; Tick-borne; Tick; VlsE1/pepC10 Assay; Lymes
) -
Lymphoma Panel (
B-NHL, T-NHL, NK Cell Neoplasm, B&T Tissue, Lymphoma Immunophenotyping, Lymphoma, Flow Cytometry
) - Lysozyme