Laboratory Services

Bronchial Wash Differential

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Updated Test Information:

Test Description
Bronchial Wash Differential

Bronch Wash, Bronchial Wash, BW

Test ID
Performing Lab

Incyte Diagnostics

General Information

Differential ONLY

Container Type

Sterile, capped container

Specimen Type

Bronchial wash

Specimen Requirements

10-20mL preferred sample volume. Samples must arrive within 24 hours of collection. Only send specimens Monday through Thursday.
Do not send specimens the day before a holiday.

Specimen Collection / Processing Instructions

Store refrigerated. Transport to lab as soon as possible.

Minimum Sample Volume



Refrigerated: 24 hours
Room temperature: Unacceptable
Frozen: Unacceptable

Unacceptable Specimen Conditions

Improper labeling, quantity not sufficient for analysis, specimen received frozen or room temperature, specimen received more than 24 hours old, specimen collected in improper container, clotted specimen

Department (code)



Manual differential

Estimated TAT

0-2 days

Testing Schedule

Monday - Friday

Test Includes

% neutrophil, % lymphocyte, % macrophage, % eosinophil, % basophil, % squamous epithelial, % bronchial epithelial, bacteria, fungi, color, clarity

CPT Code(s)


LOINC Code(s)
