Laboratory Services

CMV Quant PCR for Eye Fluids

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Updated Test Information:

Test Description
CMV Quant PCR for Eye Fluids

CMV-Vitreous, UOW3052

Test ID
Performing Lab


General Information

The detection and quantitation of CMV by real-time PCR. The PCR detects amplicons of the immediate-early (IE) viral protein 1 (IE1, UL123) and Glycoprotein B (gB, UL55) coding regions. Quantitation of CMV DNA (IU/mL) is achieved by amplifying a standard curve at the same efficiency, consisting of serial dilutions of a known amount of DNA containing the CMV amplicons. Results are reported in International Units per milliliter (IU/mL). The minimum virus level that gives a positive result in 95% of replicates is 300 IU/mL (2.48 log IU/mL).

This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by the University of Washington Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology. It has not been cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Container Type

Sterile container

Specimen Type

Eye Fluid

Specimen Requirements

 50 microliters

Specimen Collection / Processing Instructions

Freeze at -10°C or colder and ship on dry ice. If freezer and/or dry ice is not available, ship immediately at 2-8°C (ice pack). Sample may be stored at 2-8°C (ice pack) for up to 48 hours of collection. Shipment time must not exceed 48 hours from collection if stored at 2-8°C. Samples stored at 2-8°C greater than 48 hours old may be rejected. Do not freeze/thaw.

Minimum Sample Volume

50 microliters


Preferred Frozen

Department (code)

Virology, Eastlake (EVIR)


Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction.

Estimated TAT

1 Day

Testing Schedule

Monday - Saturday

Test Includes

CMVQNS      -     CMV Quant Specimen Description
CMQNR         -     CMV Quant Result
CMLOG         -     CMV DNA IU/mL (Log10)
CMVQNI      -     CMV Quant Interpretation

CPT Code(s)


STAT Orderable (Y/N)


LOINC Code(s)