Laboratory Services

Comprehensive Venous Thrombosis workup with Interpretation

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Updated Test Information:

Test Description
Comprehensive Venous Thrombosis workup with Interpretation


Test ID
General Information

"When clinically indicated, Lupus anticoagulant, DRVVT (LUPAC) will be reflexively added for diagnosis with an additional charge.

NOTE: Results will be reviewed/Interpreted by an MD and a professional fee is billed. If an MD review is not desired, order tests individually.

Container Type

Collect Blood in each of the following tubes:
Preferred: 4 mL blood in Gold SST tube + 3 each of either a 3 mL or 5 mL Blue Top (CITRATE) tube + 3 mL Lavender tube
Also Acceptable: 4 mL blood in Orange RST, Lime Green PST, Red Top or Green Top tube + 3 each of either a 3 mL or 5 mL Blue Top (CITRATE) tube + 3 mL Lavender tube

Specimen Type


Specimen Requirements

 Entire samples

Specimen Collection / Processing Instructions

Platelet poor Coag Citrate Specimen processing:                                                                                                                                                                                               
1. Gently invert tube 2-3 times prior to placing in Centrifuge            
2. Centrifuge Citrate whole blood at 4500 rpm for 10 minutes
3. Carefully pipette plasma, avoiding the platelet/buffy coat into a plastic vial
4. Centrifuge plasma at 4500 rpm for 10 minutes
5. Pipette the plasma to a plastic vial, leaving the bottom 0.25 mL undisturbed
6. Freeze plasma immediately and transport frozen. 
1. Centrifuge and decant an aliquot of serum/plasma (minimum 0.3 mL) and freeze at -20 °C
Lavender top Processing:
1. Entire 3 mL Lav Top tube transported Ambient Temperature

Minimum Sample Volume

Citrate Plasma: 3 - 1mL aliquots AND SST/Mint/Red/Green: 1 0.3 mL aliquot AND Entire 3 mL Lav Top Tube

Test Includes

Code                               Name
APCR                              Activated Protein C Resistance
APLSP                            Anti Phospholipid Panel
AB2GR                          Anti Beta2 Glycoprotein 1, IgG
AB2GC                          Anti B2GP1 IgG Comment
ACLGR                          Anti Cardiolipin, IgG
ACLGC                          Anti Cardiolipin, IgG Comment
AB2MR                         Anti Beta2 Glycoprotein 1, IgM
AB2MC                        Anti B2GP1 IgM Comment
ACLMR                         Anti Cardiolipin, IgM
ACLMC                         Anti Cardiolipin, IgM Comment
AT3                                 Antithrombin Activity
CHRF8                         Chromogenic Factor VIII
HSCRP                         CRP, high sensitivity
INT1                              Coagulation Interpretation
HEXPLP                       Lupus Anticoagulant Panel, HEXPL
PROLUP                      Prothrombin Time, Coag Study
PTTLUP                       APTT, Coag Study
TTLUP                          Thrombin Time, Coag Study
FIBLUP                        Fibrinogen, Coag Study
PCCLOT                      Protein C Activity
PRODS                        Prothrombin DNA Screen
PDRSLT                       Prothrombin DNA Result
PDINT                          Prothrombin DNA Interp
PDMETH                    Prothrombin DNA Method
PDDI                             Prothrombin DNA Director
PSAGF                          Protein S Ag (Free)

CPT Code(s)

81240, 85130, 85300, 85303, 85306, 85307, 85384, 85390, 85610, 85670, 85730, 86140, 86146x2, 86147x2, 85598

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LOINC Code(s)
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