Laboratory Services

Semen Analysis with Strict Morphology, Semen

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Updated Test Information:

Test Description
Semen Analysis with Strict Morphology, Semen

Fertility Testing, Infertility Testing, Semen Analysis with WHO Morphology, Semen Concentration, Semen Count, Semen Motility, Semen Volume, Sperm Analysis, Sperm Count, Sperm Motility, Sperm Volume

Test ID
Performing Lab

Mayo Clinic

General Information

Useful for: Determining male fertility status. Selecting the most cost-effective therapy for treating male-factor infertility. Quantifying the number of germinal and white blood cells per milliliter of semen.

This test should not be used to check patient’s sterility following a vasectomy.

Container Type

Semen Analysis Kit - Dilution Media (T178)

Specimen Type


Specimen Requirements

Patient Preparation: Patient should have 2 to 7 days of sexual abstinence at the time of semen collection for accurate results.
Specimen Volume: Total ejaculate

Patients must obtain a collection kit with collection instructions from one of the following Incyte Diagnostics Patient Service Centers

318 E Rowan Ave, Suite 205, Spokane, WA
9631 N Nevada St, Suite 210, Spokane, WA
750 N Syringa, Suite 101, Post Falls, ID
55 W Tietan St, Walla Walla, WA
221 Wellsian Way, Richland, WA

***Failure to obtain the collection kit from an Incyte Diagnostics Patient Service Center could result in rejection of the sample*** 

Specimen Collection / Processing Instructions

  1. After collection, allow the specimen to liquefy for 1 hour.

  2. Measure the volume.

  3. Place the specimen into media within 1 hour.

Minimum Sample Volume

Total ejaculate

Required Information

-Semen volume (required)
-Appearance (color)
-Number of days of sexual abstinence


Ambient (preferred) 

Specimen must arrive within 24 hours of collection. Send specimen Monday through Thursday only and not the day before a holiday. If holiday falls on a Saturday, holiday will be observed on the preceding Friday. Sunday holidays are observed on the following Monday. Specimen should be collected and packaged as close to shipping time as possible. Laboratory does not perform testing on weekends.


Semen analysis specimens submitted to Mayo Clinic Laboratories are not acceptable for fructose testing due to the use of dilution media. For specimen requirements for fructose testing in azoospermia patients, see FROS2 / Fructose, Qualitative, Semen.

Submit separate specimen to rule-out ejaculatory duct blockage. Positive result indicates no blockage.


Semen Analysis:
The sample is measured for volume and analyzed microscopically to determine the number of sperm present, the number of moving or motile sperm, and the properties of the sperm motility.(WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. 6th ed. World Health Organization; 2021)

Strict Morphology:
Sperm is categorized according to strict criteria based on measurements of head and tail sizes and shapes. Sperm with abnormalities in head/tail size/shape are not capable of completing steps in the sperm transport and fertilization process. Quantification of germinal and white blood cells (WBC) in semen is performed because the presence of germinal and WBC may indicate disorders in spermatogenesis and genital tract inflammation, respectively. The information collected will help to determine the most cost-effective therapy for treating male-factor infertility.(Wazzan W, Thomas A: Genital infection and male infertility. AFS Annual Meeting, Postgraduate course, 1990; Menkveld R, Oettle E, Kruger T, et al: Atlas of Human Sperm Morphology. Williams and Wilkins, 1991; Scoring is based on a modified method of WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. 6th ed. World Health Organization; 2021)

Estimated TAT

2-5 Days

Testing Schedule

Monday - Friday

CPT Code(s)

89310-Semen Analysis
89398-Strict Criteria Sperm Morphology
If both components performed,
89322-Semen Analysis with Strict Morphology

Reference Range

Appearance: normal
Volume: > or =1.5 mL
pH: > or =7.2
Motile/mL: > or =6.0 x 10(6)
Sperm/mL: > or =15.0 x 10(6)
Motility: > or =40%
Grade: > or =2.5

Note: Multiple laboratory studies have indicated that semen parameters for motility and grade on average retain 80% of original parameters when our shipping method is used for transport. Using these averages, samples with 32% to 39% motility and grade of 2 may be in the normal range if testing was performed shortly after collection. Therefore, these borderline patients may need to collect another sample at a local fertility center to verify fertility status.

Motile/ejaculate: > or =9.0 x 10(6)
Viscosity: > or =3.0
Agglutination: > or =3.0
Supravital: > or =58% live
Fructose: positive

Note: Fructose testing cannot be performed on semen analysis specimens shipped through Mayo Clinic Laboratories. If patient is azoospermic, refer to FROS2 / Fructose, Qualitative, Semen. Submit separate specimen to rule-out ejaculatory duct blockage. Positive result indicates no blockage.

Normal forms: > or =4.0% normal oval sperm heads
Germ cells: <4 x 10(6) (normal)
> or =4 x 10(6)/mL (elevated germinal cells in semen are of unknown clinical significance)
White blood cell count:
<1 x 10(6) (normal)
> or =1 x 10(6)/mL (elevated white blood cells in semen are of questionable clinical significance.

LOINC Code(s)

ABSTN Abstinence                            10587-4
CLST1 Collection Site                       56816-2
TY Study Type                                        54453-6
CNTN Container Type                      74384-9
APP3 Appearance                                13359-5
VL53 Semen Volume                          3160-9
PH1 pH                                                       2752-4
MOTML Motile/mL                             42531-4
SPML Sperm/mL                                   9780-8
MOTY Motility                                      6800-7
GR2 Grade                                              13942-8
MOTEJ Motile/Ejaculate                6800-7
VISC Viscosity                                       32789-0
AGGLU Agglutination                       33217-1
STAIN Supravital Stain                     4466-9
FRCT Fructose                                      13943-6
CMT45 Comment                               48767-8
OVAL2 Strict Morph NL                  10622-9
ACRSM Acrosom Defect                 66494-6
HDSAB Head Shape Abnormal    66495-3
HDZAB Head Size Abnormal        66496-1
MD Midpiece Defect                         10603-9
TAILD Tail Defect                                 10604-7
DBLF Double Forms                           66497-9
MULTI Multiple Defects                  66498-7
GERM3 Germ Cells/mL                   10576-7
WBC6 WBC/mL                                  10579-1
CMT56 Comment                              48767-8